Jagfence staff all coming from family background, are passionate about security and also very passionate about working with Australian School and Education institutes to find workable solutions to secure the Australian Youths and the properties of their growing area.
Property boundaries, being the first and most vital stopping point for unwelcomed visitors calls for high perimeter security. Jagfence offers a range of security fencing solutions to ensure boundaries are secure and are happy to discuss further custom options to ensure you are provided with the best solution.
Not only do we offer the SUPPLY and INSTALLATION of your security fencing systems but also CONSULTATION assistance with the design and specifications. We are also willing to work with other companies to provide you with CCTV & Access Control in order to completely fill your security requirements.
Jagfence is aware of the growing concern for education security due to the increased threats and would love to work with you to bring about the best solution to decrease the vulnerability of your property.
Schools and all other education institutes have a duty of care to safely contain students during school hours. Not only do our systems offer this but also:
- Prevent any unauthorised access to the facilities
- Assist with vehicle and pedestrian traffic to and from the site
- Keep students away from dangers within the confines of the grounds
- Avoid any illicit goods being passed onto the property
- The lock up after hours will deter acts of vandalism, theft, concealment, graffiti, and fires
- Safely retain students within the boundaries of the facility
- Visually enhances the appearance of the school.